Abstracts pre-conference



  Steven Buckbee, Michael Dupont

Applications of the Mandala as it relates to the iceberg and the Process of change

The Man­dala is a frame­work to explore the concept of human uni­ver­sals. The Ice­berg is a teach­ing tool which offers a uni­ver­sal view of the inter-phys­ic world of humans. We will show the integ­ra­tion of these con­cepts with a beau­ti­ful mod­el called the „Pro­cess of change“. We will demon­strate how this trio of con­cepts offer a way of teach­ing how to make con­tact with oth­ers in deep and heal­ing way.

    Miriam Freeman, Valerie McGaha, Cynthia Spray, Louis Vetri

The Satir Coaching and Mentoring Specialist Program

In this ses­sion, we will dis­cuss the Satir Coach­ing and Ment­or­ing Spe­cial­ist Pro­gram developed by Shar­on Loes­chen, MSW, and offered through The Vir­gin­ia Satir Glob­al Net­work. As a res­ult of this ses­sion you will learn more about the trans­form­a­tion pro­cess that guides the work of Satir coaches and ment­ors and about tools rel­ev­ant to facil­it­at­ing change in this pro­cess. There will be three co-presenters join­ing Dr. Free­man: Cyn­thia Spray, Valer­ie McGaha and Louis Vetri.

 Walter F. Zahnd

Your worldview and the real world

You will see how your world­view fits the facts of the real world and how the real world has changed over the past 200 years.
Top­ic:  Fact check­ing your 
Descrip­tion:  This work­shop will con­sist of a pre-test on par­ti­cipants‘ world­view. Fac­tu­al inform­a­tion on coun­tries from 1800 to 2020 will be presen­ted. It will trace the evol­u­tion of the human race for the past 200 years show­ing coun­tries where they were then and where they are in 2020.  Indi­vidu­al fam­il­ies will be presen­ted based on which of four eco­nom­ic levels they live on. Data will be provided on longev­ity and income levels.
The goal is for attendees to have fac­tu­al data to update their own world­view of the world and their own coun­try, and liv­ing  con­di­tions in  coun­tries they vis­it or  provide pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices too.
Ques­tions to answer:

  1. Has this inform­a­tion helped you see the world differently?
  2. Has it provided you inform­a­tion to use to change your worldview?
  3. What was your most import­ant learn­ing from this presentation?
  4. Com­ments to to presenter.

 Madeleine De Little

How to transform the Coping Stances (Defences) in the Sand Tray

This present­a­tion will use pho­to­graphs of peoples work in the sand tray to illus­trate how the cop­ing stances (defences) can be trans­formed using Neur­os­cience and the Satir Mod­el in the Sand Tray. The pho­to­graphs will illus­trate how:

  • We use our own energy to con­vey safety, love and respect (attun­e­ment)
  • We help the cli­ent access their own Life energy
  • We com­pan­ion our cli­ents on their jour­ney of integration.
  • We use our intuition
  • We cre­ate safety
  • We use abound­ing tender silences
  • We facil­it­ate the cre­ation of  nov­el meta­phors through cre­ativ­ity and play
  • We offer light energy from candles
  • We use our abil­ity to see ourselves in past, present and future 
  • We ask the fig­ur­ines pro­cess ques­tions (of the Iceberg)
  • We invite cli­ents to “show me don’t tell me” 
  • We facil­it­ate enact­ments in the metaphor
  • We help the cli­ent access their bod­ily responses

There will be the oppor­tun­ity for ques­tions, bubbles and dis­cus­sion. Please join Dr. De Little for this enriched experience.