Autobiography of speakers
Stephen Buckbee is from Escanaba Michigan. He retired from Bay College where he taught in the social science division. He became interested in Satir while employed as a social worker in the 1970’s. In the mid 80’s he had the opportunity to have her as a teacher. In 1988 he was invited to join a group called „Avanta“ which is now known as the Virginia Satir Global Network. He is also a member of the International Human Learning Resources Network and retired from the faculty of the Banmen Satir China Management Center. He is currently serving on the board of The Virginia Satir Global Network. He is a Licensed Masters Social Worker and a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Michigan and a partner In BDD Training Associates. He a moderator for the Satir Global Network Web Site, the VSGN FaceBook account and is developing online courses focused on Satirs process.

Michael Dupont is a partner in BDD Training Associates, an adjunct instructor at Bay College and the mental health/substance abuse counselor at Bay College. He is a retired therapist from Pathways Mental Health Center in Escanaba, Michigan. He has a M.Ed. in Counseling and Guidance from Northern Michigan University. Mike is a Licensed Master’s Social Worker and a Licensed Professional Counselor by the State of Michigan. Michael has over 40 years of clinical experience in the mental health and substance abuse field. Michael has been licensed as a Certified Advanced Addictions Counselor by the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals. He is a past board member of the Satir Global Network. He is a clinical member of the Satir Institute of the Pacific.

Madeleine De Little MTC., RCC., CCC. has been a student for twelve years of Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy. She is currently the research chair of the Satir Institute of the Pacific in Canada and a faculty member of the Banmen Satir China Management Centre. Her studies of the latest developments in neuroscience and transformational change have led her to develop a unique model of sand tray therapy and write a book, Where Words Can’t Reach – Neuroscience and the Satir Model in the Sand Tray (NSST). Madeleine has been an elementary and high school for 28 years and continues to be a therapist in private practice and an international trainer in her model of sand tray work. Madeleine has taught NSST in Slovakia and the Czech Republic since 2008 and the participants are some of the most experienced users of NSST in the world. Madeleine has written a book entitled „Where words Can’t Reach: Neuroscience and the Satir Model in the Sand Tray.“ This book is now published in English and Mandarin and the English version is available in hard copy and as an eBook on Amazon. The research for her Ph.D. focused on the personal and professional impact on student therapists learning and practicing this model of sand tray therapy. Madeleine is a Master Therapeutic Counsellor, a Registered Clinical Supervisor and a Certified Canadian Counsellor. She is the recipient of the „2021 Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Counselling Practioners Award“.

From his earliest years, Dr. Spencer Wade was keenly interested in both the nature of consciousness and how individuals navigated their lives given the many choices Life had to offer. The tarot’s “Fool” card captured his teenage imagination as a guiding image to his early adventures: he was never certain where they would lead yet somehow always felt secure that all would go well. He eventually travelled to university to become a Registered Nurse, as he was fascinated by the human experiences inside of hospitals, where his own work included bedside attendance caring for many ill and dying individuals. As a Head Nurse at a major cancer treatment hospital, his chosen vocation gained further direction with opportunities to engage more broadly within the psycho-social and spiritual dimensions of existential fear and despair. It was during this time that he saw so clearly how our self-constructed “false” identities collapse under such heavy psychic pressures and also how individuals can, in times of great trial, find openings and connections to Life and Spirit (i.e., “the healing journey”). Dr. Wade eventually returned to university to complete his PhD, where he researched and conducted structured cancer groups, after which he began his career as a Registered Psychologist, treating individuals suffering from physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual injuries following a motor vehicle accident. He also has travelled his own healing journeys, including that offered by followers of Virginia Satir, which provided the scaffolding for his inner work and for how he shows up in the world. This journey also fortified an ever-evolving foundation for explorations into “shared consciousness” or how we are each a part of something much greater than ourselves. Dr. Wade is pivoting his private practice focus towards supporting those who are navigating grief, while maintaining a loving and engaged relationship with his partner Barb and having an active presence with his soon-to-be-eight grandchildren.