SATIR IN EUROPE From symptom to healthy balance within, between and among

June 10. – 11. 2022


Hotel Bratislava
Seberíniho 9, Bratislava, Slovak republic

If you are interested in watching pre-conference recordings,
which took place on June 11, 2021, please contact:: 

Dear col­leagues amd friends, our dear guests,

We are invit­ing for the inter­na­tion­al kon­fer­ence Satir in Europe 2022 with the top­ic „From symp­tom to peace with­in, betwen, and among “, that will take place in June 10th – 11th 2022 in Brat­is­lava, Slov­akia. Due to pan­dem­ic situ­ation we had to post­pone this event sev­er­al times. After the suc­cess­ful on- line pre-con­fer­ence with more than a 100 par­ti­cipants and very inter­est­ing present­a­tions of our guests dr. John Ban­men from Canada-the Pres­id­ent of our con­fer­ence, prof. Wal­ter F. Zahnd from Cali­for­nia, dr. Steph­en Buck­bee and Michael Dupont from Michigan, dr. Madeleine DeLittle from Canada and prof. Miri­am Free­man from North Car­o­lina with her stu­dents prof. Valer­ia McGaha from Oklahoma, Cyn­thia Spray from New Mex­ico and dr. Louis Vetri from Pennsylvania. After all this dif­fi­cult time we have a hope to meet not on-line only, but also in person.

It is already 35 years since Vir­gin­ia Satir in that time Czechoslov­akia has as the Hon­or­ary Pres­id­ent of the World Fam­ily Con­fer­ence in Prague influ­enced not only num­bers of European pro­fes­sion­al people, but has in our coun­tries impacted so many fol­low­ers who wish to wel­come You warmly in our forth­com­ing con­fer­ence in June.

Besides the very rich main pro­gram, there are many inter­est­ing exper­i­en­cial work­shops for the attendees being presen­ted by vari­ous inter­na­tion­al lead­ers and there will be oppor­tun­ity to dis­cuss and share com­mon exper­i­ences on inter­na­tion­al level and groups, that can proove the valid­ity of leg­acy of Vir­gin­ia Satir teachings.

There is a spe­cif­ic bonus of this year´s con­fer­ence: to present Your on line present­a­tion or poster in the gal­lery of the con­fer­ence, that wold be avail­able with the main pro­gram for the cer­tain amount of time also after the conference.

We are look­ing for­ward to meet You in Bratislava.

As the organ­iz­ing team under the lead­er­ship of our dear Pres­id­ent of the con­fer­ence dr. John Ban­men: PhDr. Hana Ščibranyová, PhDr. Naďa Feketeová, Mgr. Rebeka Tre­pačová, PhDr. Jarm­ila Pet­rovská PhD., Mgr. Lub­ica Lichorobiecová, MUDr. Alex­an­dra Beránková